AI is already transforming the world as we know it and will drive our economy as the technology becomes more pervasive.

Every student —independent of disipline— needs to understand which tools are available to them, and how to use these tools to solve problems in their fields thoughtfully, creatively, and ethically

You can make this happen.
And we can help.
Access lessons from partner schools, curated datasets, and guidance on instructional design data curation
As teachers across the country add lessons, collateral, and data, you will have curated, adaptable materials to use with your own classes. Permission to share is part of the program.
We provide the help you need to get started and connect you to the Nexus community for on going support
Gen AI is building a Consortium of creative, ethical problem solvers willing and able to work in the public interest.

"I used the MITRE GenAI platform as a source for supplemental worksheets for my introductory class in Data Science tools and methods. We used a Python notebook to examine the popular Fisher's Iris dataset and do some basic data analysis and visualization."

Dr. Steve Scott
Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence Principal
George Mason University Adjunct Professor